Under the state of FL the following applies:
Mortgage Broker: An individual person who acts as an associate for either a
licensed mortgage broker business or any licensed lender. A licensed
mortgage broker is authorized to solicit mortgage loans on behalf of a
borrower, to accept an application, and to negotiate terms and conditions
of a mortgage loan on behalf of a lender.
The *primary* difference between an *unlicensed* loan officer and a
*licensed* mortgage broker is that a mortgage broker can "negotiate terms
and conditions of a mortgage loan on behalf of a lender" - a loan officer
who is *not* a licensed mortgage broker cannot legally execute the
aforementioned duties.
By definition, a *licensed* mortgage broker *is* a loan officer.
Post by Steve HorrilloIs a Mortgage Broker the same as a Loan Officer? I hear them being used
synonymously. Is there a difference?
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht. =^..^=
http://BrokerAgentTraining.com http://over100percent.com