Steve Horrillo
2005-07-23 01:15:59 UTC
One result of a bursting RE bubble could be a radical change in
marketing: More streamllined with lower commissions for RE sales
agents. High commissions in the 5-7% range may be justifiable when
"irrational exuberance" drives prices up in a bullish RE market and the
seller has profits to draw from. Actually, many in the mortgage and
real estate business have done very well over the past few years. I'm
talking about the serious, established, professional realtors ... not
the novice part-timers. The idea that a bearish RE market would be good
for realtors is ludicrous. Art
It can't get any worse. You're obviously not a Realtor. What's beenmarketing: More streamllined with lower commissions for RE sales
agents. High commissions in the 5-7% range may be justifiable when
"irrational exuberance" drives prices up in a bullish RE market and the
seller has profits to draw from. Actually, many in the mortgage and
real estate business have done very well over the past few years. I'm
talking about the serious, established, professional realtors ... not
the novice part-timers. The idea that a bearish RE market would be good
for realtors is ludicrous. Art
happening is the sheeple hear in the media that the market is "so hot houses
are selling themselves." So they sell it FSBO. For the first time ever
discount brokerage franchises have actually had some success penetrating the
Being that selling is like going "from the frying pan into the fire" most
sellers have been holding, refinancing their appreciation and fixing up the
house as a substitute for selling. Which makes for many more buyers than
sellers. It's easy to find buyer to show houses but good luck finding one
they like and can afford. My best friend has been "an established" realtor
for the past 18 years. Go many awards and top in sales mostly as a buyer's
agent. Her business gradually dwindled from and average 25 closings a year
to 7. She was able to put two kid's though college. The last few years she
barely has been able to pay her own bills. I've trained realtors for the
past year and I'm being told by old-timers it is the worst it's ever been.
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht. =^..^=
All the best,
Keter Pardes
(reply to me here I don't read my email)